6.2.1 analyse principles of resource design
6.2.1 analyse principles of resource design

6.2.1 analyse principles of resource design

Template 6.4.3: Working with Emotional Reactions to Change Template 6.4.2: Personal Checklist for Change Template 6.4.1: Factors to Monitor During Implementation Template 6.3.4: Action Plan 6.4 Essential Templates – Deliver Template 6.3.3: Service Design – Gap and Impact Analysis Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model Template 6.3.1: Service Design – Option Generation and Appraisal This allows you to transfer text between templates. We are offering the templates you need to design your service as individual templates and also as a full set (6.2.3, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.4).

6.2.1 analyse principles of resource design

Template 6.2.11: Project Initiation Document (PID) 6.3 Essential Templates – Design Template 6.2.9: Developing a Vision for the Future Template 6.2.8: People and Culture Change Platform – Readiness Factors Template 6.2.6: Personal Readiness for Change Template 6.2.4: Guidance on Defining your Personal Values Template 6.2.3: Description of the Current Situation (Service Operational Model) See 6.3 below. Template 6.2.2: Context for Change – Why What How Method Template 6.2.1: SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats/Challenges) Template 6.1.3: Guidance to Develop Engagement and Communication Plan 6.2 Essential Templates – Define Template 6.1.2: Guidance on Stakeholder Mapping and Analysis Template 6.1.1: Influence-Interest Mapping Grid 6.1 Essential Templates – Working with Service Users, Families, Citizens, Communities and Staff Please ensure you download the template(s) and save to your device prior to using it. Please use the Case Study template to frame your submission and you can contact any queries. You are encouraged to share your Stories of Change with us and be supported in showcasing them through the HSELand Change Hub and our digital platforms. Gathering examples of best practice and showcasing those as part of knowledge sharing within the health service works towards creating Safer Better Healthcare and Staff and Public Value.

6.2.1 analyse principles of resource design

The ethos behind the Change Guide is to support collaborative practices and connect those working in health care with content from experts on key topics relating to change and service improvement.Ĭreating connectivity and linkages within the organisation is a priority. Signposting people to where they can access additional help and make connections. This section gathers in one place key references and resources as a repository of current best practice in change.

6.2.1 analyse principles of resource design