Even though Lucy is only 16 months old, I’m already seeing glimpses of who she might become. Since becoming a mother, I’ve had a front-row seat to seeing a little personality take shape and develop. They’re our child-sides, our innate selves, not the most productive or competitive or logical, just true.” They make us weird or different, unusual but not in a good way. “Some of being an adult, though, is about protecting and preserving what we discover to be the best parts of ourselves, and here’s a hint: they’re almost always the parts we’ve struggled against for years. While moving about the kitchen tonight, a specific line in “Present Over Perfect” stuck out to me… After I put her down and clean the house, I love to get a recipe out and listen to a podcast or audiobook. Side note - one of my most delicious and life-giving habits since I’ve become a mother is cooking after Lucy goes to sleep (which is at 7 pm - shoutout to Moms on Call sleep training). So I finally hit “purchase” on my phone and have begun listening to Niequist’s story of letting go of “busy” and embracing “present.”

Then, while eating dinner at another friend’s house, I noticed the book on her coffee table. I’ve heard the title tossed around for years and at a recent MOPS meeting, a good friend said it was one of her favorite books. It’s a book I’ve been meaning to read for a while. I’m currently listening to “Present Over Perfect” by Shauna Niequist on Audible.